

About Alex A.

Alex A.




Youth, Teen

Alex A. has always written and drawn. At a very young age, he invented the character of l'Agent Jean, created sidekicks for him, and enjoyed plunging his sympathetic anti-hero into extravagant situations. A prolific cartoonist, he now has more than fifteen comic books to his credit. His main inspirations? Everything that exists, but especially everything that doesn't exist! Alex A. lives with his dog, Ours, in Montreal. In his spare time, he enjoys rock climbing, reading superhero comics and playing video games.

* Limited space for Alex A.'s book signing, please arrive one hour early at the Presses Aventure tent to obtain a coupon. *


L'Univers est un ninja, chez Presses Aventure (2016-2023)

L'Agent Jean, chez Presses Aventure (2011-2022)

Les expériences de Mini-Jean, chez Presses Aventure (2016-2022)

Guest at MCAF

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023