

About Alex A.

Alex A.



Fantastic, Humour

Youth, Teen

Alex A. has been writing and drawing for as long as he can remember. At a very early age, he invented the character of Super Agent Jon Le Bon, created his sidekicks and enjoyed plunging his likeable anti-hero into extravagant situations. A prolific cartoonist, he now has over fifteen comic strips to his credit. His main inspirations? Everything that exists, but above all, everything that doesn't! Alex A. lives with his dog, Ours, in Montreal. In his spare time, he enjoys climbing, reading superhero comics and playing video games.


L'Agent Jean
L'univers est un Ninja
Les expériences de Mini-Jean

Guest at MCAF

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023